Who is InsuranceSave?

Start your SAVINGS journey

Complete our quick and easy assessment



Find out if you qualify

See how much you could be saving


We'll get to work

Let our insurance experts find you the best deal

I don’t know how to start thanking you for the savings you got me. I wasn't even looking for car insurance when I found you, its just something I need to pay every month. But a quick phone call is all it took to save over R850 per month. That can now go towards my 'holiday fund' :-) 


May 2021

How can InsuranceSave Help You? 

Frequently Asked Questions 

When is the best time to see if I qualify for cheaper car insurance?

Don't hesitate. The sooner you check, the sooner you save money. 

Insurance companies will never decrease your premium, well not until you threaten to leave them for another provider. But why should you have to go to those lengths just to get a better premium? We can help you get the best cover and make sure you are never paying more than you need to.

Can I really pay less for my car insurance?

Yes, absolutely. You are probably paying way too much at the moment.

In some cases, we have had clients reduce their monthly premiums by over 57% while getting better cover than they had before!*

Which insurance provider is right for me?

Our car insurance solutions are personalised for you. They rely on many separate factors. Some of these factors include your age, driving history, car you drive and where you park it.

To find out which insurance option is right for you, speak to one of our expert advisors and explain your situation to them. They are qualified to match you with the right cover. 

Driving and owning a car in South Africa comes with many expenses. Don't let increased insurance premiums be one of them. Stop paying more than you need to. Ask yourself one quick question.

Could I be saving a lot of money each month? 

Click the button now to find out!

Your car insurance seems to increase every few months. Insurance companies like to constantly up their rates to match the market or so-called value of your car. 

But these increases can quickly sneak up on you and before you know it, you are paying way too much for car insurance.

Get the best deal

InsuranceSave is here for the car-owners and their wallets. We help you get the best deal and the best cover on car insurance. So that you don’t get taken for a ride by insurance companies. 

Don’t get taken for a ride 

Our car insurance specialists are impartial. They will clearly lay out your best options. Enter your details and they will get back to you in 24 hours. No longer will you pay more than you need to. 

Most car-owners pay too much

Male, female, single, married or a parent, most car owners over-pay when it comes to car insurance. If you’re frustrated with the amount you are paying monthly, you’re not the only one. Get in touch with us and start saving. 

Get better cover and a lower premium today

South Africans have been conditioned to just pay what they are quoted for car insurance, without question. But 9 times out of 10 it is far too much. It’s time to wise up and start saving. 

Don’t be fooled 

Cars depreciate the minute you leave the showroom and continue to do so for the lifetime of the vehicle. Yet, we need to spend a small fortune, in case something goes wrong!

Are you paying too much right now?

Most car-owners are. But we can help put that excess money back in your pocket. We’ve done this for thousands of South African car-owners, who have drastically reduced their monthly insurance premiums. Our car insurance experts have the information you need to protect your budget.

Find the best cover for YOU

InsuranceSave will send you a specialist. Our experts are completely separate from the vehicle dealerships and the banks. They are committed to getting you the best deal and their advice is tailored to your situation. 

More money in your pocket 

Wasting money on car insurance will become a thing of the past. This means more money in your pocket every month to spend on the truly important things.